Sentence examples of "De" in French with translation "to"

Il écoutait de la musique. He was listening to music.
J'étais capable de tricoter. I was able to knit.
Je suis capable de parler. I’m able to speak.
Merci de saluer tes parents. Please say hello to your parents.
Elle promit de l'épouser. She promised to marry him.
Dois-je partir de suite ? Do I need to go right away?
Ravie de faire ta connaissance Nice to meet you
Ils sont capables de chanter. They're able to sing.
Nous écoutons de la musique. We listen to music.
Incapable de sentir la situation. Unable to sense the situation.
Essayez de ne pas vomir. Try to keep it down.
Que prévois-tu de faire ? What do you plan to do?
Il est connu de tous. He is known to everybody.
Ma femme essaye de dormir. My wife's trying to sleep.
Tu es libre de sortir. You are free to go out.
Elle le supplia de rester. She begged him to stay.
Elle le pressa de démissionner. She pressured him to quit.
Elle rêve de devenir infirmière. Her dream is to become a nurse.
Essayons de résoudre l'énigme. Let's try to solve the riddle.
Essaies-tu de me tuer ? Are you trying to kill me?
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