Sentence examples of "с" in Russian with translation "since"

Я слышал, что он болен с прошлого месяца. I hear he has been ill since last month.
Наше представление о словаре не изменилось с её правления. Our idea of what a dictionary is has not changed since her reign.
Дэвид Димер: Мы добились немалых успехов с 1950-х годов. DAVID DEAMER: We have really made progress since the 1950s.
Он ждал этого шторма в пространстве-времени с 1960-х годов. He has been waiting for a storm in space-time ever since the 1960s.
С карбюратором я поступаю великолепно. Since I'm doing great carburetor.
С тех пор немногое изменилось. Since then, little has changed.
Я работал с шести утра. I have been working since six this morning.
В он-лайне с: 2009 On-line since: 2009
Брак существует с незапамятных времен. Marriage has been around since the beginning of time.
В он-лайне с: 2006 On-line since: 2006
В on-line с: 2007 On-line since: 2007
Я знал Джима с детства. I've known Jim ever since we were children.
В он-лайне с: 2001 On-line since:2001
С незапамятных времён, были авторы. Since time immemorial, there have been authors.
Медвежьи рынки с 1871 года Bear Markets since 1871
Ты знал их с детства». You knew them since they were boys.”
14 лет с рыбного крема. 14 years since fish custard.
Том знает Мэри с детства. Tom has known Mary since childhood.
Я смотрю бокс с детства. I've been watching boxing since I was a little girl.
В он-лайне с: 2004 On-line since: 2004
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