Sentence examples of "dado" in Spanish

Tom me ha dado un bolígrafo. Tom gave me a pen.
El centro meteorológico ha dado aviso de tiempo inclemente. The Met Office has issued a severe weather warning.
¡Has dado en el clavo! You've hit the nail on the head!
¿Alguna vez te has dado la mano con el presidente? Have you ever shaken hands with the President?
Nadie a dado un paso adelante para reclamar responsabilidad por lo que ocurrió. No one has come forward to claim responsibility for what happened.
Me has dado un buen consejo. You've given me good advice.
¿A quién se lo has dado? Whom did you give it to?
Él le ha dado un libro. He gave her a book.
Mi tío me ha dado un libro. My uncle gave me a book.
Tom fue dado por muerto, pero reapareció. Tom was given up for dead but he reappeared.
Me han dado permiso para inspeccionar este equipo. I've been given permission to inspect this equipment.
Tom podría haberme dado consejo si hubiera querido. Tom could've given me some advice if he'd wanted to.
Si hubiera sido rico, os habría dado dinero. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money.
Los años solo le han dado malos hábitos. The years have only given him bad habits.
Si me hubiera insultado, le habría dado un empujón. If he had insulted me, I would have given him a shove.
¿Le has dado dinero a un mendigo alguna vez? Have you ever given money to a beggar?
Perdí el reloj que me había dado mi padre. I lost the watch Father had given me.
Él ha desperdiciado todas las oportunidades que le he dado. He has squandered every opportunity I've given him.
Tom no debió haberle dado a Mary un anillo de diamante. Tom shouldn't have given Mary a diamond ring.
Dios le ha dado una cara bonita y una voz dulce. God gave her a beautiful face and sweet voice.
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