Sentence examples of "During" in English with translation "durant"

It rained during the night. Il plut durant la nuit.
He fell asleep during class. Il s'est endormi durant le cours.
Bears hibernate during the winter. Les ours hibernent durant l'hiver.
My mother died during my absence. Ma mère est morte durant mon absence.
Meg called you during your absence. Meg t'a appelé durant ton absence.
During the night, everything looks different. Durant la nuit, tout a l'air différent.
The boat sank during the storm. Le bateau a coulé durant la tempête.
The electricity failed during the storm. Le courant s'est coupé durant la tempête.
His company went under during the crisis. Son entreprise a coulé durant la crise.
Many businesses were plundered during the riots. De nombreux commerces ont été pillés durant les émeutes.
A fire broke out during the night. Un feu démarra durant la nuit.
During hot season, perishables go bad easily. Durant la saison chaude, les matières périssables se gâtent facilement.
I was born during the Showa era. Je suis né durant l'ère Showa.
It must have rained during the night. Il a dû pleuvoir durant la nuit.
I spent idle days during the vacation. J'ai passé des journées à ne rien faire durant mes congés.
Did anyone visit me during my absence? Est-ce que quelqu'un est venu durant mon absence ?
A lot of people starved during that war. Beaucoup de monde était affamé durant la guerre.
We live in the country during the summer. Nous vivons à la campagne durant l'été.
She was charming during dinner with my parents. Durant le dîner avec mes parents, elle fut charmante.
Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony. Des milliers de chandelles illuminaient l'église durant la cérémonie.
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