Sentence examples of "moment" in French

Nous passâmes un merveilleux moment. We had a wonderful time.
C'est un moment terrifiant. This is a very scary moment.
J'ai attendu un moment. I waited a while.
Au moment où il ouvrait la porte, il sentit quelque chose brûler. The instant he opened the door, he smelt something burning.
C'est dû à la conservation du moment cinétique. This is due to conservation of angular momentum.
Tu étais simplement au mauvais endroit, au mauvais moment. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
J'aimerais pouvoir m'inquiéter plus pour mes notes mais il semblerait qu'à un certain moment de ma vie, j'ai décidé que cela n'était finalement pas si important. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided it wouldn't be so important anymore.
Ils vinrent à un moment malencontreux. They came at an inconvenient time.
Elle recula au dernier moment. She backed out at the last moment.
Il resta ici un moment. He stood there for a while.
Il attend ici depuis un moment. He has been waiting here some time.
Vous devriez savourer ce moment. You should savour this moment.
Attends, attends juste un petit moment. Wait, wait just a little while.
N'importe quel moment me conviendra. Any time will suit me.
Elle resta là un moment. She stayed there for a moment.
Il s'est reposé un moment. He rested for a while.
J'ai passé un moment merveilleux. I had a wonderful time.
Vous êtes apparue au bon moment. You've turned up at the right moment.
Je suis là depuis un moment. I've been here for a while.
Elle jouait du piano à ce moment. She was playing the piano at that time.
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