Sentence examples of "работали" in Russian with translation "work"

Все бортовые системы работали штатно. All on-board systems worked properly.
Том и Мэри работали вместе. Tom and Mary were working together.
Вы работали маляром 20 дней? You worked as a house painter for 20 days?
Они работали независимо и безрезультатно. They were working on it independently, and they weren't getting anywhere.
Мы также работали в дизайне. We've also been working in design.
Мы работали там около месяца. We'd been working there about a month.
Мы работали над его верхними комбинациями. We worked on his uppercut combinations.
Мы работали над созданием "ноотропных препаратов". We were working on creating nootropics.
Значит, Фламбо и Доусон работали вместе? So Flambeau and Dawson were working together?
Вы сами работали в Секретных материалах. You worked on the X-Files yourself.
Множество людей работали на Луи XIV. Louis XIV had a lot of people working for him.
Ну, мы работали над профилем, так? Well, we're working off the profile, right?
Поэтому мы работали, чтобы отделить углерод And so we were working to sequester carbon.
А другие - просто работали за зарплату. The others just worked for the paycheck.
Мы работали полгода, чтобы всё подготовить. We worked six months to set this up.
Вы сказали нал ним работали "они". So you said "they" have been working on it.
Выбираем маркетинговый бюджет, над которым работали. I’ll select the marketing budget file I’ve been working on.
Да, мы вместе работали над расчетными счетами. Yes, we worked together on a settlement account.
Вы работали с "Cutler" в Денвере, верно? You've been working with Cutler Construction in Denver, is that right?
Мы работали на основе зубных слепков Брэда. We worked from dental molds of Brad.
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