Sentence examples of "Due to" in English

His absence was due to the storm. Il n'était pas là à cause de l'orage.
He decided to play it safe and pull out of the tournament due to his injured knee. Il décida d'être prudent et de se retirer du tournoi à cause de son genou blessé.
Due to total russification in Belarus, the Belarusian language is at the brink of extinction. En raison de la russification totale en Biélorussie, la langue biélorusse est au bord de l'extinction.
He thinks that his success is due to luck. Il pense que c'est la chance qui est la cause de son succès.
They put off their departure due to the heavy snow. Ils ont reporté leur départ à cause des fortes chutes de neige.
Many people will lose their jobs due to the slump in the auto industry. Beaucoup de gens perdront leur emploi à cause de la dépression dans l'industrie automobile.
The accident was due to bad driving. Cet accident est à la mauvaise conduite.
The accident was due to the smog. L'accident est au brouillard.
Due to the lack of attendees, we have to postpone the general assembly. En raison du peu de présents, on doit remettre l'assemblée générale.
The plane was late due to bad weather. L'avion était en retard en raison du mauvais temps.
Due to bad weather, the plane was late. L'avion a été en retard à cause du mauvais temps.
Work is due to begin tomorrow. Les travaux vont commencer demain.
His delay of coming here on time is due to a traffic accident. Son retard est à un accident de la route.
I found it difficult to make myself heard due to the noise. J'ai trouvé difficile de me faire entendre à cause du bruit.
His absence was due to illness. Son absence a été causée par une maladie.
The failure is due to his idleness. L'échec est à sa paresse.
Movie theaters are losing more and more revenue due to internet piracy. Les cinémas perdent de plus en plus de revenu à cause du piratage Internet.
Due to one of the member's professional contrainsts, the meeting had to be postponed. À cause des contraintes professionnelles de l'un des membres, la réunion a être reportée.
The motorway was closed due to a major accident. L'autoroute était fermée à cause d'un grave accident.
The accident was due to his carelessness. L'accident était à son manque d'attention.
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